Hebei Provincial People's Government The implementation of the introduction of foreign talents under the new situation (June 8th, 2017) To implement the central about strengthening the work plan for introduction of foreign talents under the new situation, further implement the strategy of priority to the development of talent and innovation driven development strategy, strive to expand the scale of the introduction of foreign talents, effectively raise the quality of introducing foreign talents, combined with our province reality, put forward the following implementation opinions: (1) Innovating the Working System and Mechanism of Introducing Foreign Knowledge and Talent Providing Capital and Policy Support: The introduction of foreign talents ...
Promote Your Intelligent Technology at the Release Conference of Hebei ProvincialGovernment May 18, 2017 Summary: The Hebei provincial Government is all set to organize an exclusive release conference on May 18, 2017, for the high-tech holders to effectively promote their technologies in cooperation with Gate to China. The technological backwardness of Hebei province has become a major concerning issue for the Government. They have distinctively formulated several policies to effectively upgrade the existing standards of diverse segments which include industry, agriculture, treatment of air pollution [1], environment industry, treatment of waste water, healthcare, education and many as such. In order to ensure an ...
Gate to China – A Global Leader in Renewable Energy Technology
A decade of highly focussed development in the renewable energy sector has made China the world’s superpower in this sector. Amongst all nations of the world it is at the forefront in the production and usage of renewable energy technologies.In 2014 its investment in the clean energy sector was about $90bn, which is roughly 73% more than the US. At the end of 2014 China was at the top as the best leader in renewable energy technology [1]. It is the leader in the production and use of wind energy, solar power, and smart grid technologies. It has the largest wind ...
Renewable Energy in China- Technologies and Advances
The world today is realizing the urgent need to shift to clean and renewable energy options. The damage to the ozone layer, the alarming levels of carbon dioxide emissions, global warming, the pollution levels on the ground, water, and air, are all choking off the world not so slowly anymore, but definitely and surely. China is a major economic power which has realized the need of the hour and has made considerable advances in the renewable energy sources sector. The Chinese government has set a target of ensuring that 16% of its primary energy requirements will come from renewable resources by ...
A Best Renewable Energy Business Plan For 2015
If one sees the list of the top ten developed countries, China’s name will be definitely there. One of the developed nations in Asia, no one can undermine China’s potential. Gate to China is the online platform to one of the popular international education exchange associations in China, Hebei International Education Association. The purpose behind setting up this exchange association in Hebei province was to encourage the inflow of technologies which will result in the betterment of the province. It is one of the five exchange associations in the province of Hebei. There are different sectors for which they need experts ...